Tuesday 27 March 2012

Leadership Camp Photos

Leadership Camp

On the 5th of March Chantelle, Tom and Grace travelled with our school’s principal Mr Kemp with neighbouring schools which were Waipara, Hamner, Greta Valley and Omihi. This year’s Leadership camp was held at Windy Point Boyle River.  
The activities on camp were very challenging the activities we participated in were
·       Rock Climbing
·       Abseiling
·       Swing Bridge
·       High Trees
·       River crossing
·       Two Wires
·       Swamp Challenge
·       Bush Walk
·       Leadership Games

We have experienced new skills like trusting one and other , making new skills , working together as a team.
On leadership camp we learnt the 6 best words in leadership which are
6. I admit I made a mistake
5. You did a good job
4.  What is your opinion
3.  If you please
2. Thank you
1. WE!!!
0.  Not a very good word in leadership is I

leadership means:
Ø Honesty
Ø Trustworthy
Ø Responsible
Ø Respect
Ø Believing in yourself and others
Ø Being able to trust other people that were participating .

By Chantelle

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Canterbury Triathlon

Good luck Nic and Brandon who are competing in the Canterbury triathlon at Pegasus today!


In week 4 many schools gathered to go surfing at Waikuku Beach. We went there to go surfing and boggie boarding. It was a roasting hot day although the waves were frezzing cold. It was very hard surfing becasue of the crashing waves splashing down on us.
By Grace

Hurunui Triathlon Results

Gussie - 10th 10 year old girls
Claudia - 9th 10 year old girls
Ben - 2nd 9 year old boys
Brandon - 1st 10 year old boys
Nic - 1st 11 year old boy
Trinity - 3rd 19 year old girls
Charlee - 10th 9 year old boys
Lachie - 6th 9 year old boys

Monday 19 March 2012

Beach Education

A while ago we went  on a whole school trip to Waikuku Beach! When we came back we wrote recounts. We've been a bit slow putting them up here but here  is one now.
On Thursday the 9th of February 2012 Waikari School went to Waikuku Beach in cars.
 When we got there we rushed inside to put our bags away in little cupboards finally we went up the steps to meet the three lifeguards their names where Chris, Dan and Nic. We talked a little bit about sun-safe. After a while we had morning tea.  Next we talked a lot more about surf safety. We got split into groups like rm 1 and rm 2 and 3 when we played games and the role of a lifeguard. Afterwards it was lunch time. We came back and did some awesome sand sculptures and castle making competition. Fifteen minutes later we got called in to get changed into our togs and get a boogie board to go into the water. We waited to go on the big huge waves. I got soaking wet when it was time to go home.
By Trinity